If the local plumber icemaker wire is positioned correctly and is turned on proceed to check the freezer temperature. The temperature should be within the range of 0 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. If it's above 10 to 12 degrees, your machine will not produce ice.
Visually water line repair examine the frozen pipe for signs of damage including cracks holes or breaks. Begin your quest in the areas that are located closest to cold area such as the outer walls and crawl spaces. The holes can be as tiny as a pinprick, so inspect the pipe closely.

81. Ever since I heard of a crew member cross threading the regulator whilst changing the gas bottle and causing a gas explosion, I have made it a two man job. One man does the actual change, and a second checks that it has been done properly.
10) Tighten down the closet bolts making sure NOT to use too much torque. You aren't installing tires on a race car here so, take it easy Mr. Goodwrench. You just want to hold the toilet in place, not crack the porcelain base of the toilet or damage the drain flange.
Keep an eye on any leaks in and around the house. Inspect taps, pipes and your roof regularly. Watch for leaks and if you find them, get it water line repair as soon as possible.
68. Sea sickness: I always keep a bucket in the cockpit, much better that the sufferer is sick into a receptacle of sorts than tries to be sick over the side.
Re-coat the RV roof every two years. There are a several products for re-coating your RV's roof. Many will products recommend to re-coat every year, but it's not necessary, every two years is perfectly fine. A great affordable option is Camco RV Pro-Tec Rubber Roof Care System.